100 Hour Yoga Deep Dive: Immerse Yourself

Establishing a deeper and more personalized yoga practice is a rite of passage for dedicated practitioners. It’s the point at which you really learn to move at your own pace, listen and respond to your body, and develop greater consistency and frequency in your yoga practice. Similarly to getting your driver’s license, diving deeper into your practice will empower you, giving you a new freedom to explore. But, just like when you first get behind the wheel, that freedom can be overwhelming until you’re comfortable with the tools at hand and know how to get from one place to another.

During your Yoga Deep Dive, you’ll become intimately connected to how you move, how you breathe and how you can

customize every aspect of your practice on any given day in any given moment.

Those who dive off the deep end with us have the option of continuing with another 100 hours and becoming a 200 HR certified Yoga Teacher.

Join Bonnee + Krista at the info session on Sunday, April 2

200hr Yoga Teacher Training: Diving Deeper

Perhaps diving off the deep end was only the beginning for you and you’re craving more. Maybe sharing the practice of yoga is your ultimate goal, or your maybe your intention is to deepen your relationship with yourself. Regardless of where you’re at, a teacher training is often a transitional point for yogis where the overall outcome is enhancing ones quality of life, on and off the mat. After you’ve completed your 100 hour Deep Dive, we invite you to continue on for another 100 hours and become a certified Yoga Teacher

Our 200hr Breathing Room Yoga Teacher Training curriculum exceeds all international standards when it comes to practical hours spent teaching. During our time together you will find your voice and build confidence towards offering safe, thoughtfully sequenced and inclusive yoga classes.

Join Bonnee + Krista at the info session on Sunday, March 26


100 Hour Yoga Deep Dive
$1500 until April 19
$1600 after April 19

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
$2600 until April 19
$2800 after April 19

*A $400 deposit is required to reserve your spot.
*Payment plans are available

Deep Dive Modules + Dates

10-day Intensive: May 19 - 28

June 10 + 11

  • Diving off the deep end never felt so fun! During our 10-day intensive, you can expect long (but rich) days that will leave you feeling deeply connected to yourself and your fellow divers.

  • This is the weekend where we refine + reflect. We’ll touch on any puzzle pieces that need to be better connected. We will finish off the weekend with a little celebration and of course a group hug.

Additional 100hrs: Teacher Training

Dates + Modules:

Cont’d from 100hr Deep Dive

5 - day Intensive: June 14 - 18

Weekends: July 14, 15 + 16, July 28, 29 + 30 and August 19 + 20

Practicum teaching and assignments will be sprinkled throughout June, July + August

  • We dive soooo much deeper into philosophy, asana + alignment. This is where we find our voices, learn to articulate and finesse our cueing and sequencing skills. Sanskrit will be used more frequently and we will explore ways to weave yoga philosophy into our lives on and off the mat.

  • This weekend is devoted to applying all your practical knowledge. We will learn principles of teaching, safely transitioning poses, sequencing and inclusion. We will also explore yoga styles (restorative, prenatal + kids yoga).

  • This weekend we will focus on refining your voice, your cueing, sequencing, classroom management and the business of yoga. You will also have an opportunity to teach community classes.

  • This is the weekend most, if not all the puzzle pieces slide in together. We continue to find our language, finesse our sequencing and then we celebrate how far we’ve all come.